Welcome to the New Adventures of a Author and Editor and his Creations to be published.  "All rights reserved and copyrighted"

Or even tell a lie,
Teach my son, My little one
That hearts are not a toy.
And as I held, your little hand,
We softly spoke, this little prayer,
By ending with AMEN.

And as I said I love you son,
You heard me say goodnight,
I pulled the covers to your chest,
And felt you breath, In peaceful rest.
And as I watched you... deep in sleep,
You never said a word,
But from your heart
Down deep inside,
These are the words I heard.
You said to me, That you're so glad,
To have me here with you,
Keep in mind, I need you to.. cause


On Tue, Jun 25, 2024, 6:36 PM Thomas Birley <authoreditor99@gmail.com> wrote:

And as I saw your little face,
Dosing off, and into space
You got a book, and brought it back,
It was the one called Quack And Mac.
You climbed upon, your daddy's knee,
I read to you, You read to me.

And when the clock, was striking nine,
Mommy's snacks were right on time,
A glass of milk, A cookie cake,
A little Debbie that she baked.
Then mommy said go brush your teeth,
Get in bed, and go to sleep.
And as I lay you down to sleep,
We prayed the Lord, Our
️ hearts to keep.
Your eyes were closed, Your heart was true,
I can't believe, how much you grew.

I said I thank you deeply Lord,
For my little Joy,
So keep him safe, and teach him right,
Not to be a selfish boy.
Teach him things, Like not to steal



On Tue, Jun 25, 2024, 6:24 PM Thomas Birley <authoreditor99@gmail.com> wrote:

And as the clock was striking 8
Your little head was gaining weight
I got your Jamey's from your drawer,
You dropped your britches to the floor,
You lift your legs to get inside,
Micky Mouse, PJ's of pride.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2024, 6:20 PM Thomas Birley <authoreditor99@gmail.com> wrote:

And then a game, of hide and seek,
Behind the couch, I saw you peek.
I said I see you, Timmy boy,
You smiled and laughed, and grabbed a toy.
It was a slinky, Then a car,
Then some Legos in a jar.
Then some monkey's on a string,
Your G.I. Joe... you gave a fling.


Written 03-05-2010. Poem
Àuthor of also, The Story Of Quack And Mac/ 2000 pending to date Author/editor/illustrator
Thomas Le Birley/ copyright protected,

I sang a song for you today
And in my mind I saw you play
You sang a song, of little lamb,
I held you close, then touched your hand.
I smiled at you, You winked at me,
I laughed at you, You laughed at me,
I softly sang of A,B,C's
You sang along, and went to Z
Skipping R,Q,S, and P.

You made me think of nursery rhythms
You grabbed your book, I read a line.
It was the words of Sam I Am,
That you confused with a little lamb,
You giggled, laughed, and cutely grinned,
We laughed so hard, at eggs and ham.
I pulled you close, You gave me hugs,
You kissed my cheek, To show your love.
I Shed a tear, A silent cry,
You touched my face, Then wiped my eye.

Then you ran into a room
To ride a horse, 🐴 And grabbed Mom's broom.
And when she said to put it back
Or you won't get a bedtime snack,
You looked at her, Then looked at me,
As I heard her, count to three.

And then a game, of hide and seek


New added July 09, 2024

Then Mac sang a song,
about a moose on the loose,
Then served up refreshments with cookies and juice.
Mac is always on time and exceptionally fair,
Mac even wore clothes, and grew out his hair.
Respect for Mac, was all over the farm,
As Mac grew up and turned on the charm.
And this forest of woods, draws this evening to night,
As lightning bugs danced, and lit up the sky.
And so Mac said I'm sorry, to all and to Mac,
And as the suns going down,
and Quack gives out her hugs,
What landed beside Quack, was a Ladybug.
Along with Mac's change, and deeply repent.....
Don't be surprised,..
If someday....
Mac....Is .... President


Page 20 manuscript only

Now farmers John's dog,🐕
His name is Dale,
Dale's not very smart,
he likes chasing his tail.
And Dale's little belly,
really hangs low,
It was dragging the ground,   as around he would go.
And his floppy ears, oh how they hung,
And when Dale got to sign,
He just licked, with his tongue.
So now, Quack has, names on the list,
As the suns going down,
It's nippy and brisk.
It's been a days work,
And Quack gave it her best,
Now Quack wants to go home,
To sit on her nest.

When Quack gets home,
She uncovers her eggs,
Then sat on her nest while resting her legs.
Here eyes became heavy,
And she falls off to sleep.
She went straight to her bed,
With nothing to eat.

While the night draws on,
You could hear all those sounds,
Of night singing creatures,
All singing in rounds,
It started off, with old Owls and Frogs.
Then going around, to Farmer John's dog.
But now and then,
You hear katydids sing,
While crickets joined in,
To make it all ring.
But then there is Mac,
Who croaks really crude,
When Mac would sing out,
He sings to be rude.
While all of the creatures are singing on key,
Mac would sing out,
Like he's stung by a bee.🐝


On Wed, Jul 3, 2024, 10:22 PM Thomas Birley <authoreditor99@gmail.com> wrote:

"Good afternoon, Miss Leavitt" said Quack
" I won't keep you in long,
" I've got to get back."
" I come to get your, up most advice,
"It's all about Mac, not being so nice."
"He's nasty and hateful,
and never quite fair,
"Mac is so selfish, Mac doesn't care,
"He never quite seems,
to pull his own weight"
"He's hardly at meetings,
and then shows up late."
"He lies and he whines,
and sleeps all the time."
"And has norepect for those friends of mine."
"And the fly population, is way out of hand"
"Because Mac won't eat bugs that fly overland."
"I'm sorry Miss Leavitt, I hope I'm not wrong"
"But these names on this list,
we all want him gone."
"Will you sign a petition,
to kick Mac off the pond?"

Miss Leivett the bever,
Stood back as she laughs.
She couldn't stop laughing,
cause Quack made her crack.
She laughed so hard,
there were tears in her eyes,
While looking at Quack,
"With a tear bursting cry,"

Quack then starts to ponder,   to give it some thought.                             

But then laughed at the petition, That Quack had just brought,   Between all her  laughing,   And tears in her eyes,  She swung her swift tail,  And knocked down a fly.  Her sharp Bever teeth was easy to see.  As she grins ear to ear,               while cutting a tree.


Now all of this time, that has gone by,
Quack was so happy, she sang till she cried.
Quack knows she made her a brand new friend.
Mac was not lost as this story will end.
As all of the animals played music and danced,
Mac hurries home to put on his pants.
Then Mac sang a song,
about a moose on the loose,
Then served up refreshments with cookies and juice.🥤
Mac is always on time and exceptionally fair,
Mac even wore clothes, and grew out his hair.
Respect for Mac, was all over the farm,
As Mac grew up and turned on the charm.
And this forest of woods, draws this evening to night,
As lightning bugs danced, and lit up the sky.
And so Mac said I'm sorry, to all and to Mac,
And as the suns going down,
and Quack gives out her hugs,
What landed beside Quack, was a Ladybug.
Along with Mac's change, and deeply repent.....
Don't be surprised,..
If someday....
Mac....Is .... President



Page 22 manuscript only

Now riding that train on this old railroad,
Was brave and courageous, and very bold.
At sixty miles an hour,
moves our long feathered friend,
In no time at all,
this train reaches the bend.
Then all of the sudden, everything's black,
Quack disappears,
What happened to Quack?
The train disappears, and Quack is now gone,
What in the world do you think has gone wrong?
Then out of this darkness,
flew a flock of grey doves,
The trains in a tunnel,
The Tunnel Of Love.
In no time at all, this train reaches the end.
Quack opens her eyes, she could see once again.
She then set her sights,
on the woods of a friend.
A wise old owl, full of knowledge to lend.
So when there's a problem,
It's Wise Owl you call,
Then Quack fly's away, and leaves with a smile,
Cause this long black train,
was good for awhile.


Page 23
The Story of Quack And Mac
"🦊 Fox In A Box"

Now off in the distance,
Quack spied a young fox,
So she reached down beside her to pick up a rock.
It's that fox Quack knows you can't ever trust,
Her outside is beauty, but her insides is dust.
And the fox will cheat you, and lie to your face,
Make you her meal, to see how you taste.
Jostealya the fox, was out on the loose,
To steal all she can, from a duck or a goose.
Quack knows it's not right, to steal anything,
Jostealya the fox, she will steal from a king.
She stole Johns sheep, and then she just lied,
Jostealya ran deep, in the woods to go hide.
Like Mac the frog, waste all of his time,
Jostealya and Mac are one of a kind.
No shame or guilt, can come to a fox.


Page: 25

Now back on her feet,
Quack came to a creek,
This duck was so thirsty,
she got her a drink.
Quack spashed in the creek,
like a frog with a grin,
Then floated downstream,
like a fish without fins.
That creek took a turn,
and opened up wide,
The water moved faster,
as Quack took a ride.
It turned, to a river then spun Quack around,
The river moved swiftly, as Quack floated down.

Then out in the distance, she heard a bird cry.
The voice of an Eagle, spoke high from the sky.
"Hello there Quack"
Said Taylor the bird,
" I'd like to contribute to the things that I've heard."
" I'll swoop down beside you, to sign on a line,"
"To get rid of a frog, as my visions not blind."
" I see like an eagle, the eagle I am,
I want to be helpful with all that I can."
" I see Mac's a problem, to all on the pond,"
"He's nothing but lazy, and can't get along,"
"My eyes in the sky, can see everything,"
"My hats off to you, now open your wings."
Quack stood still, at the top of the falls,
Held out her petition, and gave a duck call.
The eagle swooped down with authority law,
As Taylor the eagle,
signed with his claws.


On Fri, Jul 5, 2024, 10:10 AM Thomas Birley <authoreditor99@gmail.com> wrote:

Jostealya the fox was fast on her toes,
That fox could smell dinner,
like a duck with a nose.
But Quack was too smart,
and to sly for that fox,
She sat and she waited,
after she entered that box.

The box was a box, outside a box,
One small as a duck,🦆
one big as a fox.
Each end has a door,🚪
that's propped with a stick,
That's tied to a rope,
that is tied to Quacks hip.
When Jostealya the fox tried to get Quack,
She couldn't quite fit in the box where she's at.
Then Quack pulled that rope from inside her box,
And smiled at the fox, and put down the rock.
Quack took a deep breath and then exits the door,
As Jostealya looks out with her nose on the floor.
Quack having no time, or one word to say,
Quack started to whistle, and then walked away.


Jostealya the fox was fast on her toes,
That fox could smell dinner,
like a duck with a nose.
But Quack was too smart,
and to sly for that fox,
She sat and she waited,
after she entered that box.

The box was a box, outside a box,
One small as a duck,🦆
one big as a fox.
Each end has a door,🚪
that's propped with a stick,
That's tied to a rope,
that is tied to Quacks hip.
When Jostealya the fox tried to get Quack,
She couldn't quite fit in the box where she's at.
Then Quack pulled that rope from inside her box,
And smiled at the fox, and put down the rock.
Quack took a deep breath and then exits the door,
As Jostealya looks out with her nose on the floor.
Quack having no time, or one word to say,
Quack started to whistle, and then walked away.